
2012-11-03 11:43 pm
1.Which organelles were you able to see and identify?

2.Does a lack of organelles mean that the organelle is not present? Why or why not?

3.Describe the general shape of a plant and animal cell? What organelles are involved in determining the shape of the cell?

4.Compare and contrast the structure and organization of plant and animal cells.

5.If you were given a slide containing a living cell of an unknown organism, how would you identify the cell as either plant or animal cell?

回答 (2)

2012-11-05 1:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 無圖所以唔知你睇到咩... 不過一向都應該睇到cell wall, cell membrane , cytoplasm and nucleus maybe also chloroplast

2. A lack of organelles doesn't mean that the organelles is not present. It is because the organelles sometimes cannot be stained, therefore we can't observe them under light microscope.
2012-11-04 7:32 pm
are you talking about plant cells or animal cells in Q1?

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