english noun

2012-11-03 10:50 pm
noun 什麽時候不用 'a', 'an" 或 'the'? 又什麽時候用 'a', 'an" 或 'the'?

回答 (3)

2012-11-04 2:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
a e i o u 開頭就要用 an
eg. an apple, an egg, an instruction
eg. an hour唔係a e i o u 開頭就要用 a
eg. a man, a woman, a girl
eg. a uniform check, a university

eg.the teacher that teach me English
the rabbit is a cute animal
the sun
the Hong Kong Island
the Hall
the Bible
2012-11-04 2:11 am
a e i o u 開頭要用 an
2012-11-03 11:46 pm
有aeiou字頭要用an,例如an apple,an egg,an ink,an orange,an uncle,用a冇指明邊個,例如a girl,用the通常指明,例如the girl with red hair。

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