
2012-11-03 7:04 pm
eat less and you will lose weight. this simple piece of advice is true, but it's one that many of us struggle to follow. it is easy to blame a lack of willpower or a penchant for sugary, fat-laden snacks. but researchers say the reason so many of us relapse and fail on diets is because we have unrealistic expectations. and this is not our fault but that of experts, because the advice they give us is flawed.

most people start dieting with the notion that they wll start to see results fast. experts tell us that if we cut around 500 calories from our daily diet, or burn them off exercising, then we can expect to lose 0.5 kg in weight every week.

回答 (2)

2012-11-03 11:38 pm
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Eat less and you will lose weight. This simple piece(1) of advice is true, but it's one that many of us struggle(2) to follow. It is easy to blame(3) a lack of willpower(4) or a penchant(5) for sugary, fat-laden(6) snacks. But researchers say the reason so many of us relapse(7) and fail on diets is because we have unrealistic(8) expectations. And this is not our fault but that of experts, because the advice they give us is flawed(9).
Most people start dieting with the notion(10) that they will start to see results fast. Experts tell us that if we cut around 500 calories(11) from our daily diet, or burn them off exercising, then we can expect to lose 0.5 kg in weight every week.

piece:個。struggle:艱難地(跟隨或進行)。blame:歸咎於。willpower:意志力。penchant:愛好、嗜好、傾向。sugary, fat-laden:sugary:含糖的。fat-laden:滿載脂肪的("laden" 指滿載的)。relapse:故態復盟。unrealistic:不切實際的flawed:有缺陷的、有缺點的、錯誤的。notion:概念、想法。calorie:卡路里(熱量單位)。

參考: 苗克阿肯
2012-11-03 8:06 pm


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