Do you think 28 years old is too late to find love, get married and have kids?

2012-11-02 3:34 pm
I will be 28, on July 15th. I'm African-American. And currently I have no girlfriend. I am very obese, I wear glasses. I am balding. I'm still in College. I am only a Junior. And I am not doing well in those classes. My major is Accounting. I have never had my first kiss, and still a Vir. I weigh 284.2 pounds, and I love to eat. I do a lot of eating at the University I go to. I never had a full-time job. Just one part-time job.

So how can I be able to find love, get married and have kids?

Pay Attention to my situation, and tell me what's wrong.


Did you read my details, can I still do it, even though I haven't accomplished that much?


I don't want to be a step-dad. Just kids with my wife, that came from me.


Mrs. Frankenstein: I will be 30 in 2 years. 2 quick years, I will be 30, and I am 6 and half years old than my sister, and 6 years older than my cousin. My cousin is only 21. My sister is 20.


Mrs Frankenstein: I never had a first kiss, I never went on a date. I haven't done any of that. I go to a University where are more men than women. And most of the girls here have boyfriends. I'm really trying my best to talk to a girl. But it isn't working. Don't you think it is hard to talk to girls that are not the same race.

回答 (11)

2012-11-02 3:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You didnt mention anything about socializing with anyone. You'll never meet someone if youre not out in the world to meet them. If you think your weight is too much to attract someone then lose it by eating healthier foods & exercising. Go to a doctor for weight loss regimen or bariatric surgery. As for the balding it can be addressed by a doctor also, try rogaine or shave completely bald its not like women dont find bald heads attractive. The rest of the things you mentioned are only a hinderance because you view them that way.
2012-11-02 3:40 pm
Oh sweetie, you're a hot mess...

No, I don't think that 28 is too late for anything. I will tell you that if you are feeling low about yourself, why not change that to better yourself?

It sounds like you are struggling because you keep on thinking about your future and not worrying about getting there NOW. You need to bring yourself to current times right NOW in order to have a good future with a wife and kids. Going through your other questions, you really seem to be anxious and worried over a lot of things that you don't have to be, love.

Focus on what's going on in your life now, and leave the future for a later time. If you want to lose weight and get better grades, I think it's the best thing.

Edit: And? do know that people get married in their early 30's, mid 30's, late 30's, and beyond. I will be 30 in 2 years, too, and I'm not even IN college! So what? I'm focusing on myself NOW and taking the steps to get there. You're thinking that your life should have a proper time frame and things should have happened to you by now, but they didn't, so now you're panicking because you're thinking you're a loser!

Get over it. So your plans didn't work out? Oh well, join the 3 billion other people that have the same fate. If you really want a family and a life, you'd be out there getting it and not making lame excuses like thinking you're not good enough or don't have much going for you or whatever other stupid thing you can come up with.

At the end of the day, you have no one to blame but yourself. IT'S NOT TOO LATE, but that doesn't mean it's just going to happen for you, either.
2012-11-10 12:28 pm
Oh honey :) Poor you but no I don't think your too old and I thinks its good of you to hold onto your v. card :) In america people are having kids late 30's early 40's don't worry about it :) Anyway you sound cute and maybe this will help you xxxx
2012-11-03 12:52 am
You are fine. 40 is the new 20. You are never too old to fall in love.
2012-11-02 9:01 pm
no it isn't, I'm 31
2012-11-02 6:46 pm
You emailed me and said you didn't have a job.

I don't think its hard talking to girls who don;t belong to the same race as you.
2012-11-02 4:08 pm
Not at all. It sounds like there are some factors that make you feel like it isn't possible, sounds like you need to focus on feeling confident and good about yourself before you can expect to have a healthy relationship. What can YOU change in your life that will take you in the direction you want to be going in?

Being obese has to be difficult. Attraction is fickle, you may be a wonderful person, but part of your problem could be that girls are not initially attracted to you when they see you. That might not even be because you're heavy, it could be more about how you carry yourself. Do you walk around mopey, head down? Stand up straight, pull your shoulders back, look people in the eye, smile.
Do you eat because you really like food or is it because you don't know what else to do with yourself and that's how you cope? Are you eating junk or trying to eat healthy foods? Do you get any exercise? All schools have fitness centers you can get involved in, even if it's just walking a mile on a treadmill, something is better than nothing.

If you're not doing well in your classes than I think it's obvious that don't care about them. Maybe you're barking up the wrong career tree. Just remember, you have to pay for those classes eventually, are they worth it? I know having a few different jobs has help me figure out some of what I didn't want to do with my life.

Are you putting yourself out there and into situations where you can meet girls? They aren't going to come knocking on your door, especially if they don't even know you're there. Find a club where you can meet others with similar interests.

Glasses - I don't see where this is a problem, I like my bf in glasses. BUT, if you don't like them, get contacts or Lasik or PRK. Don't have the money? Well now you have a goal, get a job, save your money (by not blowing it on junk food??) and make that change.

Balding - I feel bad for you guys, that has to be hard on your ego. Most guys solve that by shaving their heads or getting a haircut that doesn't draw attention to what's missing or by finding hats that look cool.

Bottom line, it's not too late, but you have to take responsibility for your life and your happiness, nobody else can or will do it for you. Good luck.
2012-11-02 3:57 pm
As far as I know, nowadays more and more young guys get married late even they don't marry and choose to cohabit so you shouldn't worry too much.

I think if you want girls to like you and marry you then you should make yourself more attractive. Firstly, you have to change yourself. Let everyone like to get close to you. Go look at those models , you will know how to do.
2012-11-02 3:39 pm
Waiting until later in life is becomming the norm. Don't worry about it.
2012-11-02 3:36 pm
Hell no! I don't know about in the US, but in Europe, because people are living for longer and getting better jobs etc they decide to have kids later on in their 30's.

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