01' STREAM波箱引擎

2012-11-02 11:47 am
小弟 所揸係01年HONDA STREAM自動波.....
正當如常行車時, 正常比油行車....但車沒有動力(像空轉) ...當時行車約40KM/H......D波......手掣已鬆....

救救各大師父 .....幫幫手問題出在哪??

回答 (2)

2012-11-08 9:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
有冇CHECK 過波箱油呀?


我以前有架富士, 日常用
有日返到停車場, 入R 波 (自動波車), 架車唔識行 (D 波冇問題), 就係好似空轉噤樣.

第二日去車房CHECK, 波箱油唔夠, 因為有條喉烈左, 慢慢流D 波箱油出黎

之後用千幾蚊換左條喚, 再換埋波箱油就OK!
參考: 自己經驗
2012-11-09 12:54 pm
Angus may be right, but most of the time, the transmission fluid may not affect the power of you car. Your car is too old, when is the last time you tune-up your car, sometime the apark plugs is dirty, a lot of time the spark plugs wire may torn down, you need to check all the sparks plugs. If you take out the sparks plugs and see the dirts and oilly, your engine may leaking oil, you may need to replace the piston rings, its costs a lot of money, hopefully, just the sparks plugs are too old, just change the sparks plugs, if still have problem, you need tune-up. If tune-up does not improve the power of your car, its means transmisson has problem, transmission is very costly to replace, normally the replacement is an another used car transmission, or rebuilt you old car transmission, this cost a lot of money. If transmission problem, you better sell it and buy another used car or brand new, hope this give you some idea of what had happened to your car. I am a certified auto mechanic.

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