How to get rid of a girl? 20pt

2012-11-02 6:33 am
I got a female friend whom I had only met for about 3 months. I went to England for high school this September, but this girl kept texting, whatsapping, facebooking, skyping me and really wanted to attract my attention. Not to exaggerate, but it seemed that she wanted to talk to me every minute and she always requested video chat with me. Her action made me think that she wanted me to be her boyfriend, though I cannot accept this kind of female who cannot even provide any spare time to others. Is there any ways to keep a distance away from her? I have tried to ignore her for many times, but she kept texting, texting and texting, so I just replied a few words to satisfy her, as I do not want to worsen the relationship between her and me. Please give me some practical solutions that can let me get rid of her without affecting the 'pure friend' relationship between us.

回答 (3)

2012-11-02 8:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Firstly, base on what I know, it seems that those girl, I called her Ms A, is very bored. She would like to find a partner to hang around always. So, she is your target. Simply speaking, you can just tell her that you like to be friend but no other steps beyond that at this moment. If you avoid telling her the truth, you will not able to pass her the message in your mind.

No one instructs you to get rid of her as you will never know what the relationship would end up? However, I reckon that spending time to know each other is always helpful to build relationship between you and her. If you feel hard to tell her, you can try to write to her in letter. Don't be afraid to avoid contact to her as it will not help you to get rid of her.

Honestly, if you know what the stand you have, she will probably think whether she will take the same behaviours as you have mentioned.

Hope it helps.
2012-11-03 1:02 am
I'm not sure what kind of "pure friend" you have in mind with her.

For a pracitcal standpoint, whehn/how often do you think/feel you would consider a "pure friend" should talk/text/meet/see each other; then appy this rule.

For example, I see my "pure friend" once a month and text/e-mail/sms once a week.

Then I only reply her "according to my schedule" and not hers. As you said she is very presistent and "keep coming", but as a "pure friend" you may read all her messages but only reply at your time and mention what you think of her "situation" or "only things that interest you". You may have to allow for 1 year (given her strong will to get your attention) in order for her to "give in".

BTW, I don't claim this is the way to "make "true" friends, only as a way to "keep" as friend. I trust you do not have any intention to "make" her to be a "true" friend, do you?
2012-11-02 8:27 am

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