If Heaven is a democracy, would you vote for me to be your God?

2012-11-01 6:37 am
I shall have a smite Sunday, unlike Jehovah. That means I can smite Justin Bieber and every Christmas, I visit y'all with one legendary artist just so theists and Atheists can have fun debating my existence on Y!A

It is also me who helped Eve and Adam eat the apple that contains knowledge, which is what most Atheists are using.

Universe A needs Lilith as their Goddess, she does not care if you hate her because she won't burn you to hell for an opinion. I shall send all the evil people like sex offenders to an ice-cold world because burning is too mainstream. I'll make Heaven a place of relaxation and Hell a place to boogie now that it's vacant!

I will make bacon accessible to everyone, even vegans. I shall make it grow on trees and that you can plant them.

I will even communicate with you through more than just Y!A, I will have Saturday Sports day with you mortals, Friday Fright Day where I watch horror movies with you, and Munch Monday where I throw the whole f*cking world a feast!

And, as always, I like Megadeth, Iron Maiden, and The Casualties.

Lilith for Goddess 2012

回答 (9)

2012-11-01 6:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
2012-11-01 1:42 pm
You have my support.
2012-11-01 1:41 pm
Nah, I would do some other things but Hey they don't call me dirty sanchez for nothing.
2012-11-01 2:28 pm
Galatians 6v7. Look it up if you dare.
2012-11-01 1:57 pm
You got humanity tossed out of Eden? No thanks.
2012-11-01 1:52 pm
Heaven couldn`t really be a democracy, since God has referred to himself as a king. Lilith is a demon, though and I think she is a demon of lust, right? Sure, she had sex and maybe kids with the first man and married him first, but I would trust a God that created all before one that is rumored to eat children. Since there seems to be more democracy in hell, I think I would cast my vote for Buer, if I sat down to hear him first.

BTW in asatruism, hell IS ice cold, and its a place of rest, so I think you are mainstreaming off of something, yourself.
2012-11-01 1:44 pm
Sorry, I'm voting for Cthulhu.
2012-11-01 1:40 pm
Nah, but i would lift you up and thrust you real good until you caressed me, in the middle of the air.
2012-11-01 1:41 pm
No, god is god and no one can take His/her place.

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