would libertarians want federal storm assistance?

2012-10-31 10:08 pm
Libertarians believe we should take charge of our own lives and not look to the federal government.Would they deny storm relief from the fed.

回答 (1)

2012-10-31 10:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
libetarians could be in favour of using community funds to build shelters like the golden sands construction company which contracts to FEMA . reinforced domes which rsesemble hockey arenas and skating rink roofs . volunterees might be able to help anyway. there is that NRA thing about 37 survival foods for storm relief. says would not find the food on the shelf in local stores . psls the part for socialism and libetrarianism might also help. they do say the electoral process is not where you will get true change but is good place to build on free food for communities grown in local stores for benefit of community which grows the food.
參考: NRA 37 Foods survival booklet. golden sands construction. psl

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