
2012-11-01 3:24 am

之後練完我跑下,,本身(未練之前)可以12秒幾,E+得13,14秒-.- 點解會愈練愈廢嫁- -

回答 (8)

2012-11-11 3:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
我短跑練左有5個月啦,蛙跳,高抬,大小步跑,跑樓梯,等,總之好多之後練完我跑下,,本身(未練之前)可以12秒幾,E+得13,14秒-.- 點解會愈練愈廢嫁- - 答: 跑步能力的高與低, 與體質有莫大的關係。眾所周知, 世界級別跑步錦標賽的得主, 多為黑色人種的運動員, 這是天生的條件; 近代體育發展, 愈來愈側重因材施教, 因此, 筆者建議, 應前往運動研究中心, 取得自己的體能運動發展的評估報告, 方便選項發展。 以F.3-F.5的學生, 甲組級別而言, 100米需時12秒幾, 的確還有很大的離進步空間。

2012-11-10 19:29:42 補充:
以F.3-F.5的學生, 甲組級別而言, 100米需時12秒幾, 的確還有很大的進步空間。
以F.3-F.5的學生, 甲組級別而言, 100米需時12秒幾, 的確還有很大的離進步空間。
參考: 小魚槍手
2012-11-09 7:14 am
-you slowed down perhaps you are EXHAUSTED
-you checked the time after heavy trainings
-you trained hard,but perhaps you don't have a daily routine
-you should have a planned training schedule and WORK IT OUT EVERY TIME
-ensure you are running at your SMOOTHEST FORM
-time is just an indicator,forget about the time temporary
-5 months is only a short period,you still have a long way to go
-everyone's performance is fluctuated,when you get poor results today,it doesn't mean that you won't get strong tomorrow.train harder and you will get better times
-i'd experienced your situation.I started to run in 3 years ago when i was running 14.3 secs.after 2 years of training,I managed to run 12.3 secs last year.but i slowed down to 13 secs this year,and i found it was my running form that slowed down myself.so i trained to run with better techniques and I got 11.4 secs now:)
-sorry i'm unable 2 type chinese
-this is my sharing,hope you'll like it...and gd luck;)
2012-11-05 1:36 am
不能短短5個月就能見效 而且你練的好似同練短跑冇乜關係 我建議你跑長跑吧 例如 200 / 400 米
參考: me
2012-11-04 11:04 pm
參考: myself
2012-11-02 3:55 am
2012-11-02 2:10 am
You may be tired!relased!
2012-11-01 4:24 am
以比自己最快時間(極限速度)快GE速度不斷跑 is ok =]
2012-11-01 3:40 am
其實你可以去慢跑^ ^

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