點樣寫Eng short conclusion?

2012-10-31 2:45 am
應該要點樣寫Essay 入面一個paragrah 嘅 short conclusion?
我宜家寫緊一個關於World war one 嘅essay
我知道可以照抄翻自己寫咗果個topic sentence
for example:

First of all, the armament race was one of causes leading to the armament race. When the relationship grew tense, European powers started to arm themselves. They increased their military expenditure, enlarged their army and navy and invented new weapons. An armament race begun to develop in Europe. The naval race between Britain and Germany was particularly fierce. They compete for building dreadnoughts, the most powerful battleship for they wanted to control the sea when a war broke out. Although European powers armed themselves because that wanted to feel safe, however, the armament race only increased the fear and suspicion among them. Therefore, the armament race was one of causes leading to the armament race.

我宜家個short conclusion 同 個topic sentence一模一樣
其實只要幫我系入面幫我加下d adveb啊
修飾下個short conclusion 就得啦

回答 (3)

2012-10-31 7:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我都好想幫你,不過我對於你的topic sentence先有點意見:
armament race was one of the causes of the armament race
在邏輯上是很大的問題,這句是一個contineous loop或infinite loop而變得沒有意義的argument或statement。例如說「人種是人類的其中一種」mankind is one of the humans(特意改了少少用詞)也是無意義的句,而你的用詞armament race更是完全一樣,就是等於說「蛋是會生蛋」,還要是armament race只是多個causes之中的一個導致armament race即是如像說「蛋是生蛋的其中一種方法」一樣無稽之談。

除了這句似乎是topical sentence外內容的表達反而很好,以歐洲各國所採用的武器構成圖畫,看完你文章段落後,我還是可以提供一句short conclusion試幫助你改正文章論述寫法:

Increase in military power for a nation's sense of security is one of the causes of the armament race.

The sense of insecurity of nations in fear of invation by others is one of the causes of the armament race.


Distrust among nations is the (main) cause of armament race.

2012-10-31 4:52 am
History short conclusion in the adverbial topic sentence:-
(1)The armament race was one of the causes to the armament race.
----When relationship grew tense,Europe started to arm themselves more in expenditure,army&navy&weapons.
(2)Weapons of bombs,tanks etc were in the armaments industry.
(3) They had increased the amount of weapons in army to prepare for war.
(4)The naval race between Britain & Germany was fierce. They competed for building the dreadnoughts battleships for controlling the sea for war.
(5)Although Europe power armed themselves because they wanted to feel safe,it only increased the fear and the suspicion.Therefore it led to more severe armament race to prepare for war!
Comparing the disarmanment issues?
2012-10-31 3:00 am
You can write the topic sentence first(i know you know),then you can write the
transition before the topic sentence such as to conclude,therefore......then you can write like this:
To conclude,Geronimo is a very hard-working guy while Trap is a naughty guy.

You need to support your view.
Hope i can help you!^^

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