應該要點樣寫Essay 入面一個paragrah 嘅 short conclusion?
我宜家寫緊一個關於World war one 嘅essay
我知道可以照抄翻自己寫咗果個topic sentence
for example:
First of all, the armament race was one of causes leading to the armament race. When the relationship grew tense, European powers started to arm themselves. They increased their military expenditure, enlarged their army and navy and invented new weapons. An armament race begun to develop in Europe. The naval race between Britain and Germany was particularly fierce. They compete for building dreadnoughts, the most powerful battleship for they wanted to control the sea when a war broke out. Although European powers armed themselves because that wanted to feel safe, however, the armament race only increased the fear and suspicion among them. Therefore, the armament race was one of causes leading to the armament race.
我宜家個short conclusion 同 個topic sentence一模一樣
其實只要幫我系入面幫我加下d adveb啊
修飾下個short conclusion 就得啦