
2012-10-31 2:40 am

before the performance, I always see...........

before the performance, I always saw...........


回答 (3)

2012-10-31 6:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Position of Adverbs:-
With the special finites certain mid-position adverbs, chiefly the "adverbs of frequency" (always,usually,often ) have a different position from the position they have with other verbs
Mid-position adverbs are the adverbs of frequency:-such as always,usually, often,
When a special finite is used with the verb,the adverb comes between the special finite and the main verb,eg:-
My work (is) always carefully done.
Cunning Zero (was) never a very good questioner.
You (should) never send 5 points again!
They (are) just leaving the response blank.
5 points (can) hardly work!

2012-10-30 22:37:21 補充:
Pendulum Zero (can) hardly see.
2012-10-31 6:20 am
before the performance, I always see...........(for now)

before the performance, I always saw...........(for the past)
both are correct.
2012-10-31 4:18 am
before the performance, I always see......

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