Would you wait more years just tobe with the one you love ?

2012-10-29 4:36 am
Me and my bf is already 6years and he still not divorce of his wife cause he said his wife won't sign it and here I am waiting for that moment till now he sometimes stay at home sleep so would you stay more years cause of the love

回答 (4)

2012-10-29 4:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'd wait until the end of the world if I loved someone with all my heart like that.
2012-10-29 11:39 am
I would not be in any type of relationship with someone who is married.

If he says he is going to get a divorce then say , fine, come back when you have one and see if I am still available.

Anyone who is trying to jugle 2 relationships, a marriage (even a failling one) and a non-marriage is in one relationship too many.
2012-10-29 11:39 am
NO! He is married. I would not wait.

His wife doesn't have to sign anything. The court can order the divorce, if he filed papers and had her served. He is stringing you along.

Edited to add. You are in Singapore. Part of My response is based on the process for a divorce in the US. Still, I would not wait for him.
2012-10-29 11:38 am
i would wait forever but in this case i dont think he will ever leave and he is just leading you on ---- "my wife wont sign" is a terrible excuse ---- if he wanted to leave her he would

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