yamaha u1(全新)

2012-10-28 1:41 am
請問點解我睇番之前關於yamaha u1全新鋼琴都係4xxxx到.....
但係我今日去左通利睇過一部全新yamaha u1去到62xxx........

回答 (3)

this is because of inflation!!! 通貨膨脹
and the world market price of the wood is increasing
yamaha has limited supply of the piano.
and airplane have 燃油附加費
that's why the price rises
i recommend u to buy a second hand one
hope i can help u
參考: contact no. 92379357一個為音樂而瘋狂的人[email protected]
2012-11-02 4:18 am
2012-10-31 9:12 am
你唔知咩叫通脹咩 ?
咩都有可能ga, haha...

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