邊一句先arm grammer?

2012-10-28 1:13 am
1. How can we solve this problem is a controversial issue.
2. How we can solve this problem is a controversial issue.


回答 (2)

2012-10-28 5:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
(2)How we can solve this problem=how=adv=in what way or manner;eg. How c.y.Leung can solve it politically is a controversial issue."how we can solve this problem"is an adverb clause of manner into what way or manner.
It is correct.Or "arm".

(1)How can we solve this problem...=used to ask whether something is difficult or not. How are you?
It is a question.
2012-10-28 1:33 am
How we can solve this problem is a controversial issue.
is correct
參考: myself

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