Partnership or LimitedCompany

2012-10-28 12:35 am

A同B想創業,根據他們下面的要求來決定開Partnership or Company Limited By share

1) They all intend to take part in the management of business
2)They would like to avoid personal liability
3)They are anxious that the affairs of the business and the arrangements between themselves should be kept secret as far as possible
4)They would like to be able to transfer their respective interest in the business without difficulty

條件(2)似乎開Company Limited By share比較有利
make me confuse>__<



回答 (1)

2012-10-28 4:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Partnership(P) or limited company (L)

1. Indifference whether in P, Partners or L, Directors
2. L is preferable, as the liability of a limited company is only restricted to the shares issued and fully paid.
3. P is better as outsiders could not get information on the sharing ratio of the partnership and any private arrangement among the partners. In L, the shareholdings of each party are reflected in the records as appeared in the Companies Registry as required under the Companies Ordinance.
4. P is better as the transfer of interest is not available to the public. However, in L, you have to report the movements of the shares as required under the Companies Ordinance and to be reflected in the annual return filed with the Companies Registry. A company search on it by anybody could get the movements of shares and the current status.

So, your views on these 4 items are correct.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 15:08:32
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