英文grammer 問題 句子

2012-10-27 10:00 pm
teachers are diffcults to handle the quick change of education system.

The income of this job is not enough to fulfill the university gradutes.

請問e 2句grammer 上有冇問題
同咪 唔果唔好 可以點改

回答 (3)

2012-10-28 7:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is difficult for teachers to adjust to the quick changes of the eduction system
留意除了句法(主詞由你用teacher變為一件事件it),handle(我估你是在說中文應付吧,但作英文句一能照直譯的,英文句的動詞要注意埋所做的是甚麼,change用handle作為動詞不是英文語法。不過如果你堅持文法上是沒錯的。最後education system是要加the的。

not enough to fulfill我估你是想講「滿足」吧。但fulfill的意思是滿足某些要求或完成某種要求,而不是用來形容個人的滿意度的。正確的字是satisfy.另外人的收入才是income,job的工價是salary。最後university graduates是不指定的眾數不用the的。
The salary of this job is not enough to satisfy university graduates.
2012-10-27 10:33 pm
It is difficult for teachers to handle the rapid changes of education system.

The salary is too low for a university graduate.
2012-10-27 10:23 pm
1. The teachers are diffcult (no need to+s) to handle the quick change of education system.
2. (no problems)

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