✔ 最佳答案
When comparing two cities =comparing two countries=China vs USA.
(1)Compare the geography=China has greater areas and land
---with transportations and natural resource.
(2)Politics:-Chairman Mao vs Washington DC.
---Science development.Cultural reveloution
(3)Economic:-A Change by Obama vs soft -landing on property markets Shanghai.Social security system.
(4)Legal system:-notary system,The 1954--1975--1978--1982-Constitution offered to you!
(5)Foreigne policy:-China August 17 annoucement;The WTO;The south China sea
(6)Science:-Space travel shuttle vs rockets
(7)Education:-211---985 New type of China;national Dayvs Thanksgiving Nov?798 arts festival; Nobel awards to Chinese Literature---Mr. Mao Yin
All should be found in the Commercial press.com.hk 2012 Jan in China National news Dictionary by Fung Chun.