
2012-10-26 8:54 pm
why - 40c = -40F same same ???

回答 (4)

2012-10-28 6:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let's do it the reverse way!

Let A°C/°F be the temperature at whichthe celsius and fahrenheit temperatures are the same.

A * 9/5 + 32 = A
A * 9/5 - A = -32
A (9/5 - 1) = -32
A * 4/5 = -32
A = -32 * 5/4
A = -40


Sub. A = -40 into A * 9/5 + 32 = A,
L.H.S. = A * 9/5 + 32
= -40 * 9/5 + 32
= -40
= A
= R.H.S.

Therefore, -40°C = -40°F
2012-10-27 6:20 am
Why same temperature?
Since F=(9/5 x C) +32 (not the symbol +3232. )
Therefore F= -72+32=-40.
That's why -40C=-40F same same!!!
To deduct 50 from my marks!
2012-10-27 1:10 am
F = (9/5 x C) +3232----->F = (9/5 x C) +32, 是嗎?
2012-10-27 12:08 am
華氏溫度計跟攝氏溫度計的換算是F = (9/5 x C) +3232°F = 0°C按以上的換算計,所以-40C = -40F

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:09:12
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