I send you…這種句子形式是否地道英語?

2012-10-26 8:11 am
寄相片給客仔可否用以下的寫法?想知英語有沒有人用I send you…這種句子形式?
I send you photos for reference.

回答 (4)

2012-10-27 12:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
這種simple present tense只會在講述事實或不變真理時才會用,地道英語的時式和動詞是用來表達某動作「相對」時間的關係和表達語氣,所以除非那動作是沒有「時空感」的「永恆性」,否則甚少會出現的。 任何的寫作,你要考慮兩方面:當你寫這通告時那行動發生的時間,當對方看到你這通告時你寫的事(動詞)相對地發生的時間…等等兩面來決定在一篇一段或一句中的動詞時式。 你寄了東西給客仔… I send從你寫時或讀你的通告的客仔都是已發生了,不過相對地你send的時間可能並不是太久之前吧,小學都有教如果係yesterday(昨天)便要用past tense,現實情況亦是,假如你上午寄下午寫通告,或下午寄晚上放工前寫通告,就唔係用past tense而要是simple perfect tense(剛完成式)。所以正確地道寫法是 I’ve sent you photos for reference (this afternoon/this morning). 如果不要郵寄而是e-mail附上的都可以這樣寫的,因為從讀到通告的對方看來他收到的是你剛send來的東西。所以用simple perfect tense一般都「冇死」的。 如果是郵寄而你有心思一點交待對方預期收到的時間,當然便附加另一句用simple future tense的句子 You will receive it by tomorrow. 或 You will get it soon.
2012-10-27 6:27 am
I send you=to send a photo=to send a letter=to send a shoot already shot=to send round= to distribute,to issue,to publish is more appropriate for reference.
To deduct 50 marks from me.
2012-10-26 5:49 pm
You Talk English And I'm In Saying Putonghua's Use 23
Zi You Xuan Wen Ti Suo Ren Qu Pian Ou Na Mei Li Ke Ju He Gui Fan Er Ding Chu Ben An 23
參考: Putonghua's Use 23 Bi Teaching 852
2012-10-26 9:13 am
I would say using present continuous tense or future tense would be more appropriate.

If you are ready to send the photos to your client, you can say "I am sending you some photos for references."

If you are planning to send the photos to him but not ready yet, then you can say "I will send you some photos for references tomorrow."

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