
2012-10-26 8:28 pm


回答 (7)

2012-10-26 9:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案

We observed a color-shading defect in a previous shipment. Please take
caution to avoid mixing goods of different lot numbers in one shipment.

2012-10-26 13:58:43 補充:
a color-shading defect
an off-color defect; an off-shading defect
a chromatic aberration defect

2012-10-26 14:02:48 補充:
一般原料產品皆有批號: lot number
染整則有batch number
參考: 羅莉 - 國貿專業經驗
2012-10-27 10:00 pm
大師果然厲害 用的真好 專業
2012-10-27 8:06 pm
The color differentia was found in the same batch of the products. therefore,please be alerted and not deliver the different batch of them.---------
2012-10-26 10:43 pm
We found the goods in the same pack have different color,

Please attention the case, don't carry the different goods。
參考: 我
2012-10-26 9:58 pm
We noticed there are color differences in our last order. Please pay attention on it, We don't want to see the same situation again. Again, every batch has its own unique color.

Thank you very much and have a good one

xxx company
參考: 我;)
2012-10-26 9:49 pm
We have found there are color difference (or variation) in the same batch of shipment.
Please beware of that do not ship the products/goods from different batch.

Hope it helps

2012-10-26 13:50:15 補充:
We have found there is color difference (or variation) in the same batch of shipment.
Please beware of that do not ship the products/goods from different batch.
2012-10-26 9:31 pm
Before we find the same color shading between the goods,Note that this situation, not to a different batch of goods.

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