
2012-10-25 10:40 pm
What the different between present perfect and present perfect continuous ?

回答 (3)

2012-10-27 6:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
present perfect often shows that sth is finished. it focuses on the result of the actio-n

present perfect continuous often shows that an activity is unfinished. it focuses on the continuation of an action.

Present perfect to talk about -how much someone has done.
-how many times someone has done sth.
-how many things someone has done.

we often use the present perfect continuous to talk about how long sth has been ha-ppening
參考: me
2012-10-26 5:45 pm
Putonghua's Use 23 Perfect Tense
Zi You Xuan Wen Ti Suo Ren Qu Pian Ou Na Mei Li Ke Ju He Gui Fan Er Ding Chu Ben An 23
參考: Putonghua's Use 23 Self Akademie Bi 852
2012-10-25 11:07 pm
Show by using one verb "do" as an example:

Present Perfect:
I have done it. - 我己經做(到)了/完成了。= I have completed something and the case is closed.

Perfect Prefect Consinuous:
I have been doing it. - 我已經一直在做(這事)...仍繼續工作中。= I have started to do (it)this from some time ago and still working on/doing it now as I speak and will continue doing until...(don't know when it will be finished).

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