(急急急)煩請翻譯成英文, 用來見工

2012-10-24 9:28 pm
麻煩請翻譯成英文, 請盡量用簡單d既生字..thanks!

首先, 我很興幸到貴公司見工, 而家等我介紹下我自己
我個名xxx, 今天xx歲, f.5畢業, 已出來社會工作了大約8年.

我現在工作於xx公司, 是一間物流公司, 我在這公司已工作了兩年半, 入職時是一位倉務文員.

我的工作範疇是負責幫人處理出貨入貨文件, 亦要經常與客人電話或email聯絡.
而我每天要安排人手, 工作分配比倉務同事.
而我跟貴公司也合作了兩年左右, 所以對貴公司的倉務同事也有一定的認識.

再之前是工作於xx公司, 是一間秘書公司, 職位是customer services.
平日工作是普通文書處理, 與客人以電話或email溝通, 約見客人到公司開辦戶口, 簽合約等等.

我有六年做文職的經驗, 所以我覺得我可以勝任這工作.

我覺得我的優點係做事很認真, 快手, 小心.
我覺得我的缺點是有點執著, 過份追求完美, 但我會將這點變成優點.

這間公司更是我很喜歡的一個品牌, 如果我可以在此公司工作的話, 必定讓我有歸屬感, 令我更加努力工作.

回答 (2)

2012-10-25 5:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Firstof all, let me express my gratitude (感謝) tobe given this interview opportunity in your company. ABC (the brand name) isalways my favor brand among all. Okay,let me briefly introduce myself. My name is Jackie (of course your name). I ama F.5 graduate and have been working for around 8 years. I started in thecurrent company as a warehouse clerk. After two and a half years, I am now the assistant manager. I mainlyresponsible for handling import/export documentation and contacting clientsthrough emails or phones. I also arrange manpower and allocate job within mydepartment. The brands that I am working on right now are ABC, CDE, EFG andGHI. Along with them, I work closely with your company the past two years aswell. So I am familiar with some of your warehouse associates.Iwas a customer service associate in XYZ Company before. I handled all the clerical work includingcontacting clients with emails or phone, making appointment with clients forsetting up their accounts and signing contracts. Ihave accumulated 6 years of clerical experiences, thus I am confident that I ama very competitive (具競爭的) candidatefor the position. I am serious about myjob. I work fast and precisely (準確地). As Isaid, ABC is the brand that I really like. It will then be my honor to work for my favorite company.
2012-10-24 10:31 pm
你好, 我修飾左少少, 希望可以幫到你.

Good evening/morning sir,

My name is xxx, I was a F5 graduated student and I have been working almost 8 years since (year).

I am now working in yyy logistic company for 2 and half year. At the very beginning, I was a shipment clerk and now I am an assistant manager.

The scopes of my cuurent and previous work are:
- to manage in-and-out shipment documents;
- to involve contacts with my clients via phone or email
- to organize roster and distrib assignments for staffs
- to help clients to open accounts and contract settlements.
- to deal with basic clerial works

I am now projecting the product of brand xx.xx, which I like it very much. I have had close contact with your company and I have developed certain understanding and practice to work with you. I believe that the 6-year clerical and secretary experience will be a credit for me to manage the post I am going to apply.

Personally, I rate myself as efficient, accountable, accurate.

I love the brand I am working on. I believe I will excel myself to your company thoroughly if I have been given a chance from you.

Thank you very much.

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