Pisces with Scorpio moon!!!! Are you out there?

2012-10-24 6:36 am
Any Pisces with scoprio moon out there?
How are you feeling lately?
Hows your love life?
And what's your partner sign and moon?

回答 (2)

2012-10-24 9:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Have you ever asked yourself why you find things like this so fascinating? The reason, I suspect, is because down inside you feel uncertain and nervous about the future and think these things might help you feel more confident.

But this is precisely why I urge you to put your trust in God alone for the future. As I have often said, predictions like these about the future are almost never on target (or else they are too vague to really mean anything). Why build your life around them or get your guidance from them? They are only a substitute for the guidance you really need—which is from God.

My other concern, however, is one that I hope you will take very seriously. These things may seem innocent and amusing at first—but it's easy to get more and more fascinated with them, and eventually become involved in occult practices that are not from God.

Don't be misled: Occult practices are not from God, but from spiritual forces opposed to God. Instead, put your faith and trust in Christ. When we know Him, we know we are safely in His hands no matter what the future holds. The Bible is right: "When men tell you to consult mediums and spiritists ... should not a people inquire of their God?" (Isaiah 8:19).
2012-10-24 1:48 pm
Google "Romney biography"

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