Taurus man pieces woman?

2012-10-24 6:22 am
I met a Taurus man out one night gave him my number becuase he asked. He called that night and we hung out. The next day we where suppose to hang out and have dinner, but he ending up canecelling on me. I blew it off like it was nothing although it bothered me a little. So the next morning he text me just to say Goodmorning, I replied back but kept it really short but asked why he stood me up. His explanation didn't really fly with me but whatever. The whole day I didnt hear from him so I decided to let him know I really didnt think it was a good idea for us to keep talking since he don't have the time. He replies back with " your gonna stop talking to me really?" and I explain he then says " I will make make it better but you have to understand, I have to care or certain things". I left it as that and never replied. I Havnt heard from him the whole next day, and I won't try to reach out either. What is going on. He says he doesn't not have a girlfriend and he said he likes me but I I feel like if your interested you would make time. Helppppp!!!!

回答 (4)

2012-10-24 6:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
most taurus males are the most dumb innocent and polite people they are like kids they push themselves they change their whole day in order to make the one they want happy and they really dont care. i believe that if he couldnt come he really couldnt make it and you should not be so harsh with him. if i were him i wouldnt talk to you again if thats what u wanted but as i see from your question you want him because if you really didnt cared you wouldnt even ask this question. so get your *** and send him a good morning text tomorrow.
參考: taurus myself
2012-10-24 6:30 am
When a guy is interest he goes out of his way for the first few months just to impress you and by the looks of it its looks like he is not really interested. Image if you guys were ever to become a couple how serious would he take u if when he should be taking you the most serious he isnt. Hope that helps
2012-10-24 1:31 pm
Pieces of what?

Hope he didn't chop her up.

That would be NARSTY.
2012-10-24 6:24 am
You should hook up with him and have eight kids.

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