數學Probability問題 HELP=0=

2012-10-24 7:06 am
An investment firm offers its customers municipal bonds that mature after varying numbers of years. Given that the cumulative distribution of T, the number of years to maturity for a randomly selected bond is:

F(t) =
0, t<1;
1/4, 1<=t<3;
1/2, 3<=t<5;
3/4, 5<=t<7;
1, t>=7

a. P (T>3)
b. P(1.4<t<6)

b 應該係1/2 WO=.=

回答 (1)

2012-10-24 10:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Suggested solution

(a) ccroding the structure of F(t), there is a jump at t = 1,3,5,7

P(T > 3) = 1 - F(3) = 1 - 1/2 = 1/2

(b) P(1.4 < T < 6)

= F(5) - F(3)

= 3/4 - 1/2

= 1/4

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