
2012-10-24 2:27 am

回答 (3)

2012-10-25 12:45 am
1. It depends.

Before July 1, 1997, all people born in Hong Kong is a British Dependent Territories citizen. However, due to the takeover, the nationality of British Dependent Territories Citizen (now British Overseas Territories Citizen) have been revoked if their only connection with the U.K. is based on colonial Hong Kong.

These people have an option to get a new form of British nationality - British National (Overseas) through registration - getting a BN(O) Passport. As of this moment, the "registration" period has passed. People can no longer get this nationality anew.

Unless your parents have tier with the U.K., these are the only nationalities available at that time.

2. U.K. has no ID system (even there was one before, it has been cancelled). As a British National (Overseas), if you have a valid U.K. visa, you will enjoy most of the benefits that a typical British citizen enjoy (except right to abode), which includes no police reporting (foreigners are required to report to the police regularly if they are in the U.K. for reasons other than short-term visit), NHS coverage, and right to vote.

3. Assume no for this question, since you need a student visa in this case.

4. Ridiculously, they are all case by case (Somehow, the schools do not do thing based on Home Office).
2012-10-24 3:15 am


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