
2012-10-24 1:28 am
拿新加坡GCE A LEVEL 成績

回答 (2)

2012-10-24 12:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I know a girl graduated from USA Michigan University, Ann Arbor with a Molecular Cellular Biolgoy degree (first honor, Suma Cum Laude), MCAT 35, She can't get in any USA medical school, but accepted by Univesity of Hong Kong, School of medicine and became a medical school student, you only holding a high School GCE A level with oridinary grade, your change to get in is "zero", not a chance, the other major, its depends your A Level grade, if you got B average, you may have to little chance to be admitted for some none-competitive major.
2012-10-24 3:01 pm
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 外國學生入港大,中大醫學院ge機會有幾大?任何學位,除左護士

>> 先要睇下你講緊既外國學生係咩, 如果係hk 人既話, 咁可能會比較好, 因為而家hk 都係唔夠醫生的, 但如果真係外國既學生, 就可以會難少少了. 而個機會有幾大呢, 因為唔知你咩成績, 又唔知你既personal 攪成點, 所以好難講既, 不過medics 係難入既, 要有好既gcse (或gce o level <-- 如果係sinapore 既話) 同埋gce 既. 同時, personal statement 同埋interview 既表現要好, 因為medics 你都應該知道, 係好competitive 既, 就算係non jupas 感覺上少一d 人apply, 佢俾出既offer 亦相對地少d, 所以呢個你要留意. 如果你話你既gce 只係有中上既話, 咁可能機會不高了.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]

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