So what is up with Fox skipping tv show the past two sundays?

2012-10-22 1:44 pm
I don't watch "Cable Television" or the likes, everything I watch is done via internet. Since that is how I view it I have no idea what is going on during that time. I checked wiki last week and it said a new episode would be on Sunday and it didn't. Next week same thing, what is going on?! Tried Google, didn't help.

From what I've seen they haven't released any new shows the past two Sundays. Although if you must know it's Family Guy, American Dad, and Simpsons.

回答 (3)

2012-10-22 2:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Baseball Playoffs
this has happened Every yr for at least a decade now

the Fox TV Clearly :Posts this information at their Website under Schedule]
2012-10-22 10:03 pm
Fox has the rights to air the baseball playoffs, so their others won't be seen until they are over.
2012-10-22 8:57 pm
As you didn't state which show, nobody but you has any idea what you're asking about.

In any case, the only people able to give you a definitive answer are Fox: I suggest that you ask them directly.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 14:15:57
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