急! F4 Basic Trigonometry ex4_1

2012-10-23 2:34 am
請詳步驟教我計下條 :

求a , b, m, n 有沒有式可背或點詳睇.


回答 (1)

2012-10-23 6:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
(a) y = 4 cos ( x -120degrees ) + 7

(b) y = 2 cos ( (1/2)x + 30 degrees ) -1

(c) y = cos ( 3x - 30 degrees ) + 8

the value of a, b depends on the transformation along the y axis because it is out of the function of x,
i.e. y = a f(x) + b

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