
2012-10-22 8:19 am
我計劃同長住加拿大的女友(佢係加拿大公民)想在加拿大結婚, 之後移民到加拿大同佢一齊...咁我想問下...
1. 用不用要我住在加拿大幾耐先可以拎到公民卡? 定係註冊完便可以搞手續?
2. 結婚有咩文件同事需要準備?
3. 係5係所有野直接我地自己去申請便成...不洗經驗香港的移民顧問的嗎?

回答 (1)

2012-10-22 12:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 3 years is the minimum. However, if you have stay in Canada before you get the Permanent Residence, some of those time counts towards the requirement.

2. Each province has its own requirement.

3. If your case is straight forward (that you don't expect any major issues), you can do it yourself.

Beside - due to Hong Kong Ordinance, your marriage won't be recognized. So it is best you can apply in Canada instead of Hong Kong.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:04:26
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