
2012-10-22 7:48 am
do less reactive metal tend to absorb electron so that being the reason of one of the factor of increasing the rate of rusting in iron?
if no,勞煩師兄們比詳細解釋!!
thx very much!!:))

回答 (4)

2012-10-22 8:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
Fe 係一隻metal, not ion
佢rusting 姐係甩electron,Fe-> Fe2+ +2e-
所以應該係release electron.
但less reactive substance係tends to absorb electron, 但唔係用黎解釋rusting

because it reacts with water, oxygen to give iron(II) ion. or further 3+ ion (Reason of rusting)
increase the rate of rusting can add electrolyte(NaCl).(factor of increasing the rate of rusting)
2012-11-05 3:05 pm
你是說, 有一較不活躍的金屬貼在鐵上會令鐵更易生鏽嗎?
那就是在問sacrificial protection的問題了。

從最開始說起的話, 金屬由於其電子雲的結構, 因此在反應時通常傾向於釋放電子。因此less reactive metal, 通常是指比較不願釋放電子的金屬。比較不願釋放電子, 也就表示它電荷上比較正(縱使它總電荷是零)。
當一塊比較正的金屬貼在鐵的時候, 由於它們是giant metallic structure, 電子可自由移動, 電子就傾向由less reactive metal走向iron, 令iron產生了partial negative charge, 更傾向於釋放電子, 也就更易生鏽了。
參考: 自己理解
2012-11-04 7:00 am
Brian, Stainless steel 站在你背後, 他看起來很火...

好吧, 我晚一點再回答.

2012-11-07 23:04:58 補充:
Nickel and chromium may be less reactive than iron, but they retard rusting as in stainless steel. When their content esp. Cr is high enough, a firm and tough Cr-oxide layer forms on steel surface, retarding rusting.

2012-11-07 23:06:03 補充:
In this case, Cr retards rusting NOT because it's less reactive than iron, but because it can form a tough and firm oxide layer on surface, avoiding surface to come further contact with air.
2012-11-02 11:14 pm
Rust is the term specially for oxidization of iron . Like copper is a less reactive metal which donot rust but also can be oxidized . Usally in rusting , iron will lose electrons , with the presence of oxygen & water to form rust . With the presnce of less reactive metals , like stainless steel which is an alloy of iron with carbon , nickel , chronium & etc., is less likely to form rust . Also with zinc plated iron (galvanized iron) is also less likely to get rust . The above examples are iron with less reactive or more reactive metals , do retard rust happened . So what you ask I donot understand , please state what metals would increase the rate of rusting . What I know NaCl solution will increase the rate of rust . This is due to the presence of chloride ions . If in the water there are metallic salts , the presnce of metal ions might increase the rate of rusting this is because the iron will more easily become an iron ion .

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