[X Q 時 me] (很抱歉) 英文點串﹖急﹗

2012-10-22 6:04 am
[X Q 時 me] (很抱歉) 英文點串﹖急﹗

回答 (2)

2012-10-23 9:44 am
Spelt as Excuse me.
並非解作很抱歉, 而是原諒我
that's why there is "me" in the sentence!
2012-10-22 6:14 am
excuse me.excuse me=to excuse my bad behaviour,forgive me,,release me;pardon me:-
It may be used to asking the way or asking to explain something, or asking for something.It's a polite ,formal way to ask.
Don't mixed up with execute= eg:-to execute a business (verb)

2012-10-21 23:39:31 補充:
How dare you "Hurried"people when u have 9 days?
參考: google website

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