
2012-10-22 4:57 am

回答 (3)

2012-10-22 7:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Adjective(grammar) is a word that describes a person or thing,eg:-fine,fantastic, and happy in a fine painter, a fantastic doctor, a happy singer.
Noun (grammar) is a word that refers to a person,a place, or a thing, a quality or an activity;there are also abstract noun, common noun, proper noun
It all depends on your understanding as subject, as an object, as a complement in a sentence that do behaves.Variant adjectives and good natured forms are given,30 of them! Short forms and noun names follow the adjectives from which they are formally well described
(1)caring--He's a caring nurse.
(2)charitable--He's a charitable millionaire.
(3)dutiful--He's a dutiful son like Mr. Lin.
(4)fine--He's a fine painter.
(5)fantastic--He's a fantastic doctor.
(6)good--He is good in a general sense.
(7)happy--She's a happy singer.
(8)incredible--She's an incredible historian.
(9)kind--You're a kind noble man!
(10)lovely--She's a lovely lady!
(11)marvellous--Roxy Li is a marvellous traveller.
(12)nice--You're a nice narrator.
(13)outstanding--You're an outstanding artist.
(14)perfect--You're a perfect husband.
(15)pleasant--She's a pleasant employee.
(16)pleasing--She's a pleasing artist.
(17)praiseworthy--She's a praiseworthy historian.
(18)proper--He's a proper captain in Nam Ah Island.
(19)remarkable--She's a remarkable pianist.
(20)right--She's right.
(21)sound--She's a sound engineer.
(22)splendid--He's a splendid man.
(23)suitable--She's a suitable candidate.
(24)super--She's a super woman!
(25)superb--He's a superb graduate from HKU.
(26)useful--She's a useful servant or housemaid.
(270valid--She's a valid assistant in hospital.
(28)valuable--She's a valuable amateur.
(29)wonderful--He's a wonderful governor.
(30)worthy--He's a worthy citizen.

2012-10-21 23:09:20 補充:
How dare you hurried people 9 days?
參考: google website
2012-10-23 1:06 am
1interest 有趣  2 clever聰明  3clean清潔 4smart高明  5cute可愛 

6rich富有 7honest誠實 8beauty漂亮 9 pretty美 

10charming迷人的 11confidence自信的 12huge高大

13strong強壯 14healthy健康的 15competent有能力的

16talkative健談的 17fashion時尚 18lucky幸運

19prominent傑出 20good好 21seasoned經驗豐富的

22happy高興 23excellent優秀 24precocious早熟

25humane仁慈的 26elegant優雅的 27handsome英俊

28kind親切  29humor幽默 30sweet甜蜜

1He is a interesting clown 他是一個有趣的小丑
2He is a clever boy 他是個聰明的男孩
3He is very clean because he always tidy his room 他是很乾淨的,因為他經常收拾他的房間
4He read many books so he is very smart 他讀了許多書,所以他很聰明
5Everyone like her because she is very cute 每個人都喜歡她,因為她很可愛
6I heard he is rich 我聽說他是富有
7He is honest  他是誠實的
8She is very beautiful 她很漂亮
9She is very pretty 她很漂亮
10She is very charming today 今天她很迷人
11He has confidence to win this competition 他有信心贏得這場比賽
12My father is huge 我的父親是巨大的
13All of the participants should be strong to join this competition 參加本次比賽,所有的參與者都應該是強壯的
14He is healthy because he ate many vegetables 他是健康的,因為他吃了很多蔬菜
15He has competent to control this shop 他有能力控制這家店鋪
16He is very talkative 他很健談
17Her dress is very fashion 她的衣服很時尚
18He is lucky because he wins the lottery 他是幸運的,因為他贏得了彩票
19He is a prominent scientist 他是一個傑出的科學家
20He is a good person 他是一個很好的人
21He is a seasoned teacher 他是一位經驗豐富的老師
22He always feels happy 他總是覺得很快樂
23She is an excellent dancer 她是一個優秀的舞者
24He is a precocious kid 他是一個早熟的孩子
25Mr.Wong is a humane teacher 黃先生是一個仁慈的老師
26Her dance is very elegant 她的舞蹈很優雅
27He's a handsome boy 他是一個英俊的男孩
28Mr.Chan is very kind 陳先生非常親切
29He is a humor person 他是一個幽默的人
30This girl is very sweet 這個女孩是很甜蜜
2012-10-22 4:59 am

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