English experts only, pls!

2012-10-21 10:32 am
"老師老是不讓我過某一科, 還故意刁難. 叫我作一些有的沒的報告, 然後又說內容不夠好, 再我再三重做. 我感覺到被耍" 以英文說明該如何道地的說明以上內容?

回答 (3)

2012-10-21 6:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My teacher always flunks and finds fault with me in a course (including doing some meaningless reports).then he is always unsatisfied with the content and makes me do the reports again and again. I feel treated unfairly at this matter.--
2012-10-21 7:03 pm

The teacher always flunk me the subject, and to be picky with me.
He/She ask me to do many reports, and reject my assigement so that I need to do it again.

I feel that I've been tricked by the teacher.

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2012-10-21 6:33 pm
The teacher always not allow me pass a subjects,
but also making things difficult for purposely.
And ask I to make some stupid report.
Then fussy about my content is not good enough,
make me redo over and over again.
I feel that I was to be fooling of it.

2012-10-25 21:49:40 補充:
更正第三行And ask I to make .....>>And ask me to make .....

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