
2012-10-21 6:55 am
希望各位可以幫幫忙啦~THANK YOU =)

1) If England had not colonized North America, English would not be an
important language in the Westen hemisphere.

Q:我唔明點解唔係"would not have been" 而係" would not be "?

2)Mr.Smith put forward a motion that the library remain open until ten o'clock.


3)Illness and age had changed her beyond recognition.But that she called me
first,I would have mistaken her for a total stranger and paaes her by.

Q)前面唔解唔係" she had called me "

4)Elizabeth,if she had felt able to look up at Bill's face,would have seen a look of
heartfelt delight on it,which made him more handsome than ever.But she was
too shy to left her head.In fact,she hung her head as if she was ashamed of her
humble again.

Q:成段都唔知佢講乜TT 我唔佢D文法同句構~~希望有詳細解釋

回答 (2)

2012-10-21 8:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)嚴格來說他是錯的,不過講得通,would not have been 講的是過去, would not be講的是現在。If I were the writer, I would write 'English would not have become'

2)這個叫present subjunctive,學校多不教,但是懂就最好. Present subjunctive 何時用完全是死背,所以建議多看課外書+新聞,考試前就拿grammar書背. Present subjunctive 的 conjugation 跟 bare infinitive 完全相同。
It is important that he be punctual.
I insist that he go to the cinema.

3)我猜是打錯,應作 Had she called me first (這裡要用倒裝. Had she called me = If she had called me, 不倒裝要加if)



Elizabeth,if she had felt able to look up at Bill's face
-這個怪現象是 left dislocation (如果沒記錯). = If Elizabeth felt able to look up at Bill's face (如果她有抬頭望望阿bill)
would have seen a look of heartfelt delight on it, (她就會看到發自內心的快樂)
which (=a look of heartfelt delight) made him more handsome than ever. (這令他的樣子更帥)
But she was too shy to left (lift?) her head. (太害羞了,不敢抬起頭)
In fact,she hung her head as if she was ashamed of her humble again. (In fact, 她低著頭, 彷彿對她的(貧賤)又感到羞恥)
2012-10-22 3:53 am
she was afraid of (feeling) her humble again!

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