
2012-10-21 5:48 am
Sammy had a great holiday in Janen . He went to Osaka , a large city on the coast . He spent the summer at a camp and really enjoyed it.
名詞nouns :


回答 (3)

2012-10-22 8:49 pm
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Sammy (名詞) had (動詞) a (冠詞) great (形容詞) holiday (名詞) in (介詞) Japan (名詞). He (代名詞) went (動詞) to (介詞) Osaka (名詞), a (冠詞) large (形容詞) city (名詞) on (介詞) the (article) coast (名詞) . He (代名詞) spent (動詞) the (冠詞) summer (名詞) at (介詞) a (冠詞) camp (名詞) and (connective) really (副詞) enjoyed (動詞) it (代名詞).

動詞是Verb, 是表示主詞 (subject) 的一個動作(action) 或一種狀態(state of being)的單字。表示主詞 的動作action verb包括行動, linking verb 是 am, is, are, was, were, seem, appear, look, sound, taste, feel
你的句子動詞有 had, went, spent, enjoyed,
Past tense多數是 verb 加-ed
有少量動詞 suffix 是 –ize

Noun 是東西,事物,人, 動植物, 食物,地方, 時間,時侯, 天氣, 節日,固體, 液體, 氣體, 元素, 成分, 度量單位, 科目, 活動, 藝術, 音樂, 運動, 娛樂, 工作, 休息,醫療,概念, 主義, 思想
Sammy 是人名字, Japan , Osaka, city, coast是地方, holiday , summer是時侯, camp 是東西

如果suffix是 -ism, -ment, -tion -ness, -cy, -ist, - logy, -ian, 多數是noun 例如socialism, retirement, kindness, action, democracy, dentist, biology, technician
Noun許多時用來做 subject或者 object

Adjective 許多時在 noun 前面. 形容 noun, pronoun, 或者在 linking verb 後面
Great 在 holiday前面, 形容 holiday
large在 city前面, 形容 city

用以修飾動詞, 形容詞, 或加強描繪片語或整個句子
許多 adjective加- ly, 變成 adverb
real + ly ~ really
Adverb許多時 follow the verb, 或者在 adjective前面

Preposition是 in, at, on, to, out, up, upon, of, by, off, under, for, after, beside, behind, across, down

Pronoun 是 I, We, You, He, She, It, They
Me, us, you, her, it, them
Myself, , ourselves, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves

Which, that, when, where, 是 relative pronoun

在英語文法, 詞類 Part of Speech 只有 8 種

connectives 不屬于 part of speech

Connective is a word or phrase that link words, phrases, clauses, or sentence together.
connectives包括 conjunction, adverb, relative pronoun.
e.g. and, although, otherwise, finally, which, on the contrary, not only… but also …
你的句子內有 and 字, 嚴格來說, 是 conjunction, (連接詞), 即是 connective 其中一種

a, an, the 是 冠詞 (article),. 字典裡稱 限定詞 (determiner)
Determiner is a word that signals approach of a noun. (a, an, the, my, their)

2012-10-21 7:52 am
Nouns 名詞:
Sammy*, holiday, Janen* (Japan?), Osaka*, city, coast, summer, camp
*proper nouns (names)
句子的 subject, object 和 preposition 後的通常都是nouns. Nouns 可以是實際的東西 (這些叫concrete nouns)或者是抽象的概念(abstract nouns)。Proper nouns 就是人名、地名諸如此類的。

Adjectives 形容詞:
great, large
Adjectives形容詞顧名思義用來形容nouns。 主要放在名詞前面(例外:city proper, heir apparent) 或者verb to be 或linking verb之後(e.g. I am happy; he looks sad.)

Pronouns 代詞:
He, He, it
代名詞多用來代替名詞或名詞短語。Pronoun代的名詞叫antecedent.不過不同種類pronouns用法 要死記 (有很多種,這裡只列小弟記得的):
(所有代詞 First person singular, Second person singular, Third person singular, First person plural, Second person plural, Third person plural)
Personal pronouns:
-Subject(ive)/Nominative pronouns I, You, He/She/It, We, You, They, (放在主語)
-Object(ive)/Accusative+Dative pronouns Me, You, Him/Her/It, Us, You, Them (放在賓語)
Pronominal pronouns:
-Reflexive pronouns Myself, Yourself, Himself/Herself/Itself, Ourselves, Yourselves, Themselves
-Reciprocal pronouns Each other, one another (一般認為 each other = two people, one another = 3+ people, 但有點爭議)
Possessive pronouns:
-Mine, Yours, His/Hers/Its, Ours, Yours, Theirs
-誤解: My, Your, His/Her/Its, Our, Your, Their 是 possessive adjective, 而非 possessive pronoun
Relative pronouns:
-Which, That, Who, Whom, Whose
-有點特別,可以用來連接兩句clause (e.g. This is the book which I've brought. The boy, whose father is a teacher, is very bright.)
-Antecedent 是 relative clause 的object而又是defining 時,可以不寫(The man he killed was his uncle)
-誤解: Where, When 不算
Demonstrative pronouns:
-This, that, these, those (e.g. This is the boy I met yesterday.)
Indefinite pronouns:
--英語的indefinite pronoun很多, 例如 every/no/any/some + where/one/body/thing, some, any ...
Interrogative pronouns:
-Who, What, Which, etc. (跟relative不同, interrogative用來問問題)

要找pronoun只能用一個方法,就是想想它是否代了另一個詞。例如 These are noodles 的 these 代noodles,是代詞; These noodles are tasty 的these 沒代什麼,不算。這方法文言文也適用:)

(more later)

2012-10-21 00:01:59 補充:

2012-10-21 00:06:01 補充:
Adverbs 副詞:
-動詞: laugh CRAZILY, smile HAPPILY, go OFTEN, read SOMETIMES
-形容詞:VERY crazy, REALLY happy

Prepositions 介詞:
-on the fence, in the house, across the street, on someone
-注意, up, down, in 等詞可以是adverb:

2012-10-21 00:09:02 補充:
he's driving me up the wall (prep)
I look up to him (adv, the prep is 'to')

Conjunctions 連詞:
-誤解: connective =/= conjunction. Connective 指任何用來connect 東西的字,例如however, therefore 這些詞都是connective但非conjunction. Connective 是語意上的,conjunction 是文法上的.
-Conjunction 用來把clause連在一起. However等沒此作用.

2012-10-21 00:13:38 補充:
-Coordinating conjunction: FANBOYS (For And Nor But Or Yet So) (we usually need commas before these)
-Subordinating conjunctions: as, because, as long as, if, while... ... (subordinating conjunction 放在前,句子中間要加comma, 放在中間不用)
參考: 自己
2012-10-21 6:49 am
The language used when writing express in 7 parts of speech:-
(1)nouns, (2)verbs, (3)pronouns, (4)adjectives, (5)adverbs, (6)prepositions, (7)connectives=conjunctions , and no interjections?
An Attempt To Answer:-
(1) Nouns:-Sammy, Holiday, Japan(mind the spellings) , Osaka, City, Coast, Summer, Camp,
(2) Verbs;- Had, Went, Spent, Enjoyed
(3)Pronouns are to be found as shown:-He, He, It
(4)Adjectives are to be shown in sentence:-A, great, A, Large, The, The, A,
(5)Adverbs are to be shown as:-Really,
(6)Prepositions are found from the sentences as:-In, To, On, At,
(7)Connective are found to be useful in DSE,:-And
參考: google website

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