
2012-10-21 2:32 am
但係d一般問題點答先完整流暢 即係果d點解唔做上一份,點解要係呢到做咁
同埋我英文好屎 如果佢要我用英文自己我介紹咁點算,死頂定同佢講我唔熟

回答 (3)

2012-10-21 11:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Good morning Sir /Madam or Good afternoon Sir/Madam
May I introduce myself, my name is Wong Chee-Tak and graduated in Yee Ming High School in 2009; after that I studied English in the evening school for one year. In order to earn my living, I had been working for two years as assistant cook in Fu Kee Restaurant since 2010; as a matter of fact, my ideal occupation is electronics, owing to that reason, I would like to apply for the post of assistant in your company/shop.
Regarding my characters, I'm obedient, energetic, honest, reliable, responsible, accountable, co-operate, sympathetic,considerate,and enthusiastic. If I were appointed for being the assistant, I will do my best to perform the duties as required.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity of interview and would like to hear from you for the result. Thank you very much.
2012-10-21 3:27 am
2012-10-21 2:44 am

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