
2012-10-20 8:09 pm
The probability that a vehicle entering the Luray Caverns has Canadian license plates is 0.12;the probability that it is a camper is 0.28;and the probability that it is a camper with Canadian license plates is 0.09. What is the probability that
(a) A camper entering the Luray Caverns has Canadian license plates?
(b) a vehicle with Canadian license plates entering the Luray Caverns is a camper?
(c) a vehicle entering the Luray Caverns does not have Canadian plates or is not a camper?

回答 (2)

2012-10-20 9:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Denote the events by
A : it is a camper
B : vehicle that has Canadian license plates
By given hypothesis , P(A) = 0.28 , P(B) = 0.12 , P(A and B) = 0.09

(b) Required prob. = P( A | B)
= P( A and B ) / P(B)
= 0.09 / 0.12
= 0.75(c) Required prob. = P( A' or B' ) <- X' is the complement of X
= P( (A and B)' )
= 1 - P( A and B)
= 1 - 0.09
= 0.91
2013-03-03 3:26 am
(C) The required probability is:
1-P(A or B)= 1-P(A)-P(B)+P(A and B)
= 1-0.12-0.28+0.09
= 0.69

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