英文 TENSE 問題

2012-10-20 7:18 pm
I had known her quite well when I was young.
I had knew her quite well when I was young.
以上邊句岩邊句錯 ??? 定兩句都岩 ???
唔該英文好的人答下以下問題, THX ~

When I was in Canada, I had known your brother very well.
When I was in Canada, I had knew your brother very well.
以上邊句岩邊句錯 ??? 定兩句都岩 ???

We have not been seeing our friends for a year.
We have not seen our friends for a year.
以上邊句岩邊句錯 ??? 定兩句都岩 ???

Since I have been working here, I have met several of your friends.
Since I have worked here, I have met several of your friends.
以上邊句岩邊句錯 ??? 定兩句都岩 ???

What did you do ?
What have you done?
請解釋以上兩句的意思, 同埋, 呢兩句咁問岩唔岩 ???

I have not been feeling so happy since last Christmas!
I have not felt so happy since last Christmas!
以上邊句岩邊句錯 ??? 定兩句都岩 ???

He has gone to Beijing about two months ago.
He went to Beijing about two months ago.
以上邊句岩邊句錯 ??? 定兩句都岩 ???

I'm a great traveler: I have been visiting over a hundred countries.
I'm a great traveler: I have visited over a hundred countries.
以上邊句岩邊句錯 ??? 定兩句都岩 ???

I was dying but a good doctor saved my life.
請中文解釋呢句 !

回答 (2)

2012-10-23 7:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
I had known her quite well when I was young.
I had knew her quite well when I was young.
兩句都不對。Past perfect/pluperfect 是有兩個特定的時間點才用。'When I was young'是一段時間。正確寫法為I knew her quite well when I was young.

不過,第二句是錯上加錯,因為 past perfect 是 had + pp, 不是 had + simple past。

When I was in Canada, I had known your brother very well.
When I was in Canada, I had knew your brother very well.

We have not been seeing our friends for a year.
We have not seen our friends for a year.

Since I have been working here, I have met several of your friends.
Since I have worked here, I have met several of your friends.
看情況。如since=because,則兩者皆對,但意思不同。第二句的「我」不再在那裡工作,但第一句的則未必。如since=自從,則兩者皆錯,因為since後的應該是短的動作。正確為Since I started working here, I have met several of your friends.

What did you do? = 你(當時)做D咩?
What have you done? = 你做左D咩? (關鍵在「左」字)
What have you done 的行為與現在較有關聯。

I have not been feeling so happy since last Christmas!
I have not felt so happy since last Christmas!

He has gone to Beijing about two months ago.
He went to Beijing about two months ago.

I'm a great traveller: I have been visiting over a hundred countries.
I'm a great traveller: I have visited over a hundred countries.

I was dying but a good doctor saved my life.

2012-10-23 08:55:14 補充:
?! 怎麼我寫的都不見了?

2012-10-23 09:27:33 補充:
I had known her quite well when I was young.
I had knew her quite well when I was young.
兩者皆錯,因為past perfect是有兩個時間點,但when I was young是一段很長的時間,不過後者錯上加錯,因為past perfect 是had + past partciple,不是had + past simple.
正確:I knew her quite well when I was young

2012-10-23 09:27:43 補充:
When I was in Canada, I had known your brother very well.
When I was in Canada, I had knew your brother very well.
正確:When I was in Canada, I knew your brother very well.

2012-10-23 09:28:43 補充:
sorry, 超了自數,去意見裡繼續

2012-10-23 09:29:04 補充:
We have not been seeing our friends for a year.
We have not seen our friends for a year.
第二句對。we have not been seeing our friends for a year = 我們沒有一年365日對住D friend

Since I have been working here, I have met several of your friends.
Since I have worked here, I have met several of your friends.

2012-10-23 09:29:21 補充:
如 Since = because,則兩者皆對,原因稍有不同。
如 since = 自從,則兩者皆錯。

What did you do ?
What have you done?
2)有perfect aspect,可以是你做過什麼,曾經做過什麼,已經做了什麼
eg What have you done so far? 直到現實為止你做了什麼?

I have not been feeling so happy since last Christmas!
I have not felt so happy since last Christmas!

2012-10-23 09:29:35 補充:
第二句對,原因同「since we have not seen」句。
so happy = 咁開心

He has gone to Beijing about two months ago.
He went to Beijing about two months ago.

I'm a great traveller: I have been visiting over a hundred countries.
I'm a great traveller: I have visited over a hundred countries

2012-10-23 09:29:48 補充:
I was dying but a good doctor saved my life.
2012-10-20 7:58 pm
1) 第一句岩,第二句錯,因Know的pp form 係known
2) 第一句岩,第二句錯,因Know的pp form 係known
3 兩句都岩
4) 兩句都岩
5 )兩句都岩
6) 兩句都錯(冇SO HAPPY 呢樣野)
7) 兩句都岩
8) 兩句都岩
參考: me

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