
2012-10-20 6:05 pm
港大醫科招420人, 但系生物醫學先招20人。 邊個容易入d?

回答 (2)

2012-10-26 8:53 am

港大醫科(JS 6456)今年收150人, 分數介乎30-35分
生物醫學(JS 6949)今年收15人, 分數介乎29-33分

5**→7分, 5*→6分...1→1分

所以好明顯睇到醫科同生物醫學收生分數其實差不多, 最少都要平均5科有5*先有最低入場卷, 而當你有最少平均5科5*既時候, 你既分數已經可以容許你二擇其一
所以結論係無話邊個易入啲, 因為大家都係好難入, 只要你考到呢個分你就有選擇
2012-10-23 9:37 am
Uuniversity of Hong Kong medical school programme is very differert than Biomedical school programme.
When you graduated from medical school, you go for internship, and depends your talents and class ranking, you have a choice to go for different field, such as eyes, neurosurgen, heart,brain.....or internal medicine, you need another 4 years before you become a doctor.
Biomedical progarmme, after a few years of regular medical biology study, you go for a lot of research to find out what is the best solution or medicine to cure unknown discease...etc.
These 2 programme requirement basically are the same, very difficult to get in, if you don't get A**, don't have a chance.

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