English Grammer

2012-10-20 7:46 am
Re - write the following sentences, changing them into negative statemens

Q1. I told her the news yesterday
A1. Ididn't tell her the news yesterday

Q2. Miss Lee finished the work on time.
A2. She didn't answer my question immediately.

Q3. They studied my plan carefully
A. They didn't study my plan carefully


Answer the following questions with given word. Use the verbs in the SIMPLE PAST tense. You may use pronouns.

What did you find in her handbag? ( find a sharp knife )
I found a sharp knife in her handbag

Where did you meet Susan for the first time? ( in Paris )
I met her in Pairs for the first time

What did they catch the thief? ( on the roof )
They caught the thief on the roof.


回答 (3)

2012-10-20 7:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
Most of your answers are correct except A2 which should be "Miss Lee didn't finish the work on time."
2012-10-23 7:05 am
I think the A2 was mistake was accidental. 囧 Also, the last question should probably be 'where did they catch ...'?

To answer your question (轉成過去式否定句,動詞不變,是否過去式否定句全部都要用didn't,會有其它變化嗎?), not all. The whole deal with don't and didn't is, believe it or not, unique to English and Celtic languages IIRC. In English, when there is no auxiliary verb present, we add the auxiliary 'do' in negative and interrogative sentences; however, if there's already an auxiliary verb, there's no need to add 'do'.

(Auxiliary verbs are verbs that are followed by lexical verbs)

Oh, I can see you! --> Oh, I can't see you! (NOT Oh, I don't can see you!)
Oh, I could see you! --> Oh, I couldn't see you! (NOT Oh, I didn't can see you!)

I will try. --> I will not try. (NOT I don't will try.)

[Can/could, may/might, shall/should, will/would, ought to, etc., are modal auxiliaries]

I did want to eat. --> I didn't want to eat (NOT I didn't do want to eat)

I have smiled. --> I haven't smiled. (NOT I didn't have smiled.)

I wanted to eat --> I didn't want to eat (NOT I wanted not to eat in Modern English, although it was used in the past)

[Emphatic do, the perfect auxiliary have, etc., are also auxiliary verbs]
2012-10-20 8:01 am

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