
2012-10-20 3:05 am
Invalid activation key. The key you entered may have been activated already or may have been entered incorrectly. Please verify that you are entering the correct key.

回答 (4)

2012-10-20 10:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
啟動密碼失效。你所輸入之密碼可能已經被啟用或密碼錯誤。請核對並重新輸入正確密碼。 *Key could mean 鑰匙 as well. But in this contest, I would assume Key is used as password.
2012-10-29 3:52 am
2012-10-21 12:49 am
啟動密碼失效。你所輸入之密碼可能已經被啟用或密碼錯誤。請核對並重新輸入正確密碼。 *Key could mean 鑰匙 as well. But in this contest, I would assume Key is used as password.
2012-10-20 4:07 am
There are many ways to key in your password(code) for Invalide Activation Key corrections;eg:-
(1)For activated already key;try clear release button- main#;
---If entered incorrectly,may try for C.T.=meaning Care taker.
(2)As owner I clear release the main#, then the correct code and" please enter;"
(3)As for visitor,call for owner by trying Floor/Unit buttons.He will activate button (#) to let you in.
參考: google website

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 13:18:14
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