Graphic Design Major - 美國升學問題

2012-10-19 2:09 pm
我依家係北加州既De Anza College就讀,下年就會Transfer到大學就讀Year 3...由於我既Major係Graphic Design, 所以讀UC呢類研究理論型既大學並唔適合(加上未必有呢科讀)...

曾經有想過Art School, 但有一定風險,因為若然將來投身唔到Design呢行, 我Art School張證書就等如形同虛設...因此我打算讀正規既大學...而我亦選左California 既 San Jose State University (CSU) 同 Seattle 既 University of Washington (UW) 作為其中既考慮。

San Jose State University - Graphic Design
University of Washington - Visual Communication Design

但係以上兩間大學既知名度有好大既差異,我想問大家會選邊間?有冇其他更好既正規大學(non-art school) 建議?

回答 (2)

2012-10-19 5:00 pm
It is up to you what you want to choose.

But if I were you, I would choose SJSU instead of UW.

The reason is simple:

1. For UW, some of the courses you took may not be recognized.

2. Moving Expense.

3. Last but not the least, UW basically means start all over again.

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