swift code=Sort code?

2012-10-19 1:25 pm
My dad wants to put money in to my UK HSBC acc., but he say he will not put it in until I give him the swift code.

I have went to the Bank and ask the staff where can I find the code. Seh said it's shown in the Bank letter. Well, I don't see the word swift code, but sort code and overseas bank no. and other stuff.

Can someone tell me what exactly is it? (I have provided all the details in my bank statement to my dad but he doesn't know which is th eswift code~x~;;)

The Branck Identifying Code in my Bank Satement is similar to the ones I saw in the website given by 'Stephen'.

回答 (3)

2012-10-20 8:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
通過 Swift Network 進行 國際匯款的銀行通常用一組英文字母或數字代表銀行或它們的分行, 這種代碼就是Swift Code ,又叫 BIC ,Swift Code 一般是八個英文字母, 有時只有其中六個是字母後面兩個是數字。 還有些銀行在 Swift Code 的後面再加上分行的代碼。
HSBC Bank UK 的Swift code 是MIDLG21 XXX 或MIDLG22 XXX , 後面的XXX是分行號碼。 顯示 在online bank statement 的右上角。

但 英國和歐洲的銀行 會用另外一組代碼, 叫做 IBAN
IBAN 包括 Country Code, Check Code, Bank Code,Sort code and Account Number, 總共是 22個字母和數字, 顯示在 paper bank statement 的右上角. Sort code 是6個數字,是在IBAN 裏面代表銀行和它的分行。 和 Swift code 是不同的

請看下面 英國HSBC 的網頁:

你的父親如果是從香港匯款到英國, 兩種號碼都可以用, 看他的銀行喜歡用那一個,如果你有問題, 在上面 HSBC 的網頁你可以打電話和用網上通訊去確定。因為有時 Local 的分行很少國際匯款, 職員會不大清楚。

2012-10-20 12:09:17 補充:
The Branck Identifying Code 就是 BIC 亦即是 Swift Code。

2012-10-20 12:10:56 補充:
更正:The Branch Identifying Code 就是 BIC 亦即是 Swift Code。
2012-10-20 1:04 am
Go ask again (You can either call or go to a branch) and ask for the SWIFT code for incoming wire transfer.

The bank should be able to give it out.

Also - it is always best to trust the local bank instead of internet (unless it is displayed in a bank's website) about the SWIFT code as in some cases, different areas/branches/accounts may have different SWIFT code.

2012-10-20 03:46:18 補充:
Bottom line - it is your money.

What the harm if you can confirm with the bank again?
2012-10-19 7:01 pm
Please check this site:
for the UK HSBC swiftcode.

Also ask your dad to double check the code in HK HSBC if it matches by the time to wire the money to you.

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