
2012-10-19 12:18 am
我小息果陣無啦啦有隻野飛到我條頸 我用手搞佢然後佢跌左落地(佢係黑色) 我隻手就有枝野吉著 (我唔知係腳定針)然後我蚊左支 然後超痛 個傷口就好似打完針咁(無血)3個鐘後我都係咩事都冇 好正常 個傷口都好番 但是我都係唔放心 到底我比蚊針定蜜蜂針? 唔該同我講 令我放心d

回答 (1)

2012-10-19 12:28 am
✔ 最佳答案

For mosquito, you will not feel pain but itchy.

2012-10-18 17:09:47 補充:
For mosquito bite, you will not even know in most of the case, until you feel itchy.

So it is definitely not mosquito.

Since you give either mosquito or bee, then it will be bee.

(It is possible for something else. But I will not know what it is based on the information.)

2012-10-19 03:13:53 補充:
Based on what you said, bee has the highest possibility.

As to bee, its attack is a fatal attack to itself.

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