Eng Lit, French, Psychology

2012-10-18 4:37 pm
I'm a F.1 student but I think I would like to study the subjects below when I'm old enough.

1) English Literature
2) French Language
3) Psychology

Many people said that those subjects are very hard. Is it true? And, could I study those subjects in Hong Kong since F.4?

I'm really keen on learning those subjects, so I'd like to start studying immediately! I'd like some websites teaching those subjects for beginners or Junior Form students. Please suggest some for me!

Thank you very much!

回答 (3)

2012-10-22 1:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
在香港中學文憑考試入面可以報考英國文學, 但係無法國文學/心理學可以考, 而且英國文學係屬於冷門科目, 只有極少數名校先會開辦, 所以你係中四既時候可以讀英國文學既機會比較細, 當然你可以問下學校老師學校宜家有無開呢一科.

呢三科的確係相當難讀, 先講英國/法國文學, 先要有非常強既英文/法文底子, 亦都要對文學作品有相當濃厚既興趣先可以讀, 如果唔係會俾大量既文學作品同埋作品分析令你抖唔到氣. 然後係心理學, 宜家文憑試已經無心理學可以讀, 正式既課程教授都起碼要等到大學先有. 另外心理學由於係屬於比較專門既學科所以係有大量既專有名詞, 所以英文底子差亦都唔應該選擇讀心理學.

所以我會認為先練好英文, 努力讀書考上大學再決定, 始終係中一到中六呢六年你可能會有好大既改變唔想再讀呢幾科. 但係你可以多讀英文小說/故事書/文學作品增加自己既見識, 心理學我絕對唔建議一個中一既學生讀因為實在會吃不消

2012-10-30 10:21 pm
Thank you. Do you know what is the syllabus of the French exam in the HKDSE?
2012-10-30 3:04 pm
Yes, you can take the French exam in the DSE. It's held by the CIE but will appear on your DSE results all the same.

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