did my laptop short circuit? If so what do I do?

2012-10-18 5:36 am
I went to reach for my USB mouse and accidently grabbed the power cord for my computer and went to plug it in, ending up putting it into my USB slot by mistake and now my computer screen went black and it won't power on. The little light still comes on when I plug the power supply into where it's supposed to go indicating that its receiving electricity, but turning the power on still does nothing. Did I end up short-circuiting my computer or simply caused it to overheat? If I did, what can I do to fix this? (Computer does have warranty but I'm worried I'll lose my harddrive)

It is a laptop by the way.

回答 (3)

2012-10-18 6:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you have short-circuited the motherboard then it will cost near the price of a new system so it's not worth repairing it's better to buy a new one, What you do is take the hard drive out, buy a Sata to usb cable ($29.00) or a external sata case to use the hard drive as a data drive once you have removed the files you need to save,

go to these website and download the software make a bootable CD or usb jump drive to boot the computer up with then you can copy the files from dive drive to the hard drive in the new computer

read the instructions on the websites on how to's
2017-03-02 7:15 pm
that is in all threat repairable. If it is an workplace computer, come across a colleague with an comparable potential furnish and spot if that fixes the difficulty. If it does not, it is going to ought to pass to a provider company for restore. If it does restoration it, visit amazon and get yet another furnish. Odds are narrow your computer has been bricked.
2012-10-18 5:39 am
You hard drive should be fine. But you may have burned out your motherboard. Send it back for repair.

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