
2012-10-17 10:58 pm
我是首屆(2012年)的文憑試考生, 成績可以入到hd或asso亦有hd收我,但我最終決定去美國升學讀community college(有親戚系美國住), 不過我要申請入既系美國CUNY既系統(因為其實可以快的學校冇我有興趣既科目), 所以Agent話要等到下年1月, 如果趕唔切好大機會就要等到下年9月.


2.我apply既college系Borough of Manhattan Community College, 我修bio&chem,但
只對bio有興趣, 如果可以揀, 邊科容易入d又同bio相關(nursing唔知容唔容易入?)但

3.如果系美國讀完2年既community college, 唔想再讀, 可以在香港讀相關的課程或容

4.其實我宜家後悔當初公大社區學院既幼兒hd收我, 我點解冇交到留位費, 當初決定有
冇錯(因為我對幼兒教育都有興趣), 咁如果我宜家想系香港讀返幼兒, 咁應該讀返d

歡迎答題者分享自己對此既看法! Thanks!

回答 (2)

2012-10-18 12:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. There is nothing much you can really do, unless you learn something practical.

What you can learn academically will not be recognized anyway.

2. Since you will be admitted into community college, you can choose what you want.

3. Don't think that way unless it is necessary.

4. There is no right or wrong answer as you are the one who can judge your own future.

2012-10-18 03:08:09 補充:
As I said - none. It is your money bottom line, you can do whatever you want.

If you think those "Something Street Institute" can help your English, be my guest (I don't really think that helps).
2012-10-19 6:05 am
Did you take the TOEFL?

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