✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]
1) Can anybody tell me the difference between these tests. Which should I take
>> TOFEL 同IELTS 係英文考試, 而SAT 同ACT 係official 既入學試. sat 係用黎入usa 既大學, 而act 係用黎入usa 既college. depends 你想係邊度升學, 所take 既exam 會唔一樣.
2) Which is easier??
>> 個個都係難的, 因為佢地係stadnard 既國際考試, 係有個benchmark 的....
3) Which on should I take if I want to enter Hong Kong's, or USA's or UK's university???????
>> hk 既大學係through jupas 讀HKDSE, though non jupas 係either ielts + gce 或sat + ielts/tofel. ielts 同tofel 只係英文試, 大學係要睇你既public exam, 而唔係英文試. 試諗諗, 你只有英文考試既成績, 冇dse, hk 大學點會收你?
>> 英國大學要既係gce 同ielts
>> usa 既大學要sat 同tofel
希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]