
2012-10-16 9:50 am




回答 (4)

2012-10-16 10:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
2012-10-17 6:13 pm
黃毓民應該被炒魷啦 !
2012-10-16 5:36 pm
A unproved and would not be proved saying---He wrote a letter begging to do again---he afraid of losing the -Golden Egg post! yeah, begging !

1. His real background?
2. His aims? Support Hkgese or actually want to ruin Hkgese?
3. Any constructive suggestion to improve the quality of life for our Hkgese? Did not find any? How about you people? Have any one found he had made such positive things? Please tell us.
4. He strong anti-mainland, his son loves to go back to mainland......arrested on ? charge......
When you people go 'call hockers', be smart, dont boost who is your dad!
5. His x-background(?) Remember our former No.1 said in public before him and other representative---''Mr. W...Here is not a Trial Society venue....." The hidden meaning would be---xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, why Hkgese could not read out the real context??
6. Mr. W is good friend of Mr. X and the family.... (Sorry, I do not want to tell more detail, I worry about my personal safety!)
2012-10-16 12:21 pm
黃毓民抗議誓詞是否有問題呢?無問題就唔會低聲下氣 10/17 重覆動作一次啦.

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